Dear Gamer,
If you are reading this, you have either joined our conspiracy or betrayed it.
We are building a mutiny against the rich and powerful elites of this world, the warlord class.
THEIR GAME is to send us to kill one another for their profit.
OUR GAME is to ruin their fun and create a world where we can play in peace.
For centuries they have tried to divide us with nationalism, racism and imperialism. For centuries, we have rebelled.
We rioted against the draft.
We shut down their weapons factories.
We sabotaged their warships.
We sympathized with their enemies.
We shot our sons in the foot to keep them home.
We shot our officers in the back to make it home alive.
We know that, today, they’ll spread their wars-for-profit everywhere. We refuse to be pawns in their proxy wars while they dine together on their yachts and tell us to enjoy it.
We reject the constant propaganda for THEIR GAME–crammed down our throat in school, in the media, in the games they sell us–that teaches us that war, competition, imperialism, and fascism are our destiny, that we are just like them, that nothing else is possible.
The rule of THEIR GAME is that all games are just one game: war.
The rule of OUR GAME is to find each other and destroy their game from the inside.
We play OUR GAMES within, against and beyond THEIR GAMES. Ours is a metagame, where we infiltrate their games of war, playing a new, secret, trickster game to undermine their cultural war machines and sew the seeds of a revolutionary conspiracy.
This is how we play OUR GAME:
- JOIN: Take on a codename.
If you are reading this message, you are entitled to a randomly generated codename via our encrypted, decentralized online system at {REDACTED} You don’t need to and you should not provide any additional information to play except to select a unique password. - INFILTRATE: Join any of their games of war.
Maybe it’s chess or maybe it’s Fortnite. Maybe it’s football or maybe it’s nationalism. Maybe it’s the corporate rat race. Maybe it’s the beauty game. Maybe it’s at a game cafe or at home with your friends or at an online or IRL game tournament. Maybe it’s a military exercise. Maybe it’s the sham elections where they always win and we always lose. It doesn’t need to be a “war game” – THEIR GAME of war has infected so many games, many forms of play, and all of life. The world they’ve made us build is a world of war. THEIR GAME of war is everywhere. So are we. - SABOTAGE: Make sure nobody wins.
OUR GAME is to make THEIR GAME in its many forms unwinnable. We are conscripted into THEIR GAME by being told we can each become a commander, a winner, an empire-builder. But we refuse to become our enemies. Find a way to make sure no one wins THEIR GAME, no matter which form it takes. There are a million methods. Be creative. Don’t show your hand. Teach through your actions. Be subtle. Don’t tell the other players of THEIR GAME that you’re playing OUR GAME. Their spies are everywhere. Make THEIR GAME a theatre where the other players come to their own realizations. - CONSPIRE: Find one another.
The key goal of OUR GAME is to find one another, the other players of OUR GAME, without revealing your identity to anyone else. We are everywhere and we are growing in number. You can recognize players of OUR GAME by their subtle and tactics of sabotage, too subtle to be recognized by the players of THEIR GAME. Like you, every player of OUR GAME has a secret, randomly assigned codename. Watch the behaviour of other players in THEIR GAME you are infiltrating. Make moves that send secret signals to the other players of OUR GAME. When you and another one of us recognize one another for the first time, find a subtle way to exchange codenames. You don’t have to exchange any other information. You each have one hour to enter one another’s codename using our encrypted, decentralized online system at {REDACTED}. On this system, no one knows who you are, but the information associated with your codename is visible to everyone. If you both enter one another’s code within one hour of one another, the system will automatically assign each of your codenames one token. - PROPAGATE: Spread the conspiracy.
Every time your codename accumulates 3 tokens, the system will randomly generate a new random codename. If you feel your identity may have been compromised, you can use the new codename to take on a new identity in the game, leaving your old one behind, or playing two (or more) at once. Otherwise, you can give this new code name to someone you trust, and direct them to our online system at {REDACTED} where they can read this message and join our conspiracy. This is how we grow until we’re unstoppable. Our leaderboard celebrates codenames who spawn the greatest number of new codenames and (hopefully) induct the greatest number of new players into OUR GAME.
We are already winning. Our operatives are everywhere, though many don’t yet know they are part of OUR GAME. Their acts of sabotage go beyond the world’s gameboards.
Workers are refusing to be played, “lying down flat,” wasting their boss’s time, and “quiet quitting.” Soldiers are abandoning their posts and disappearing into the wild forests and wilder cities. The lethal patriarchal family game is being abolished by mass refusal and new games of kinship and care. We are helping each other cross their gamified borders to live the lives we want to live.
Remember: We only win OUR GAME together. We keep ourselves safe. Don’t brag about the game, don’t reveal other people’s identities, be patient. Practice mutual aid. Take precautions and use strong data security. If they find out: it was just a game.
But it’s not just a game. We practice sabotage and solidarity so that some day, when they beat the drums of war, none of us will obey.
Some day the officers will find themselves alone on the battlefield. Some day we’ll all strike together and refuse to work until their empires fall.
Some day we’ll rid the world and our hearts and our relationships of the stain of war and live a life of peace and play.
Until then,
Our Move